Friday, September 16, 2011

Make it Rain!

Hi there! Sorry its been awhile since I posted! Daddy was off work for two weeks so we kept busy getting projects done and getting some quality time with the papa bear, but now on this gloriously rainy evening we are cuddled up in our pj's to a good Disney flick (Disney post coming soon... promise ;)and  I found a few minutes to tell ya what we did today.

I have become obsessed with pinterest as of late and I found this cute little project that was just perfect for today! Make it rain in a jar! Simple, easy, educational and fun!
You need: a glass jar, a plate, hot water, ice cubes and a couple of cute and curious kiddos :)
Put the hot water in the jar. We experimented a bit with temperature, and you want it really hot and steamy but not quite boiling. Put the plate on top and then fill with ice cubes. Wait for a few minutes, and you will be able to see moisture forming in the jar, and dripping down like rain. It was really fun to watch it drip down in the middle of the jar and not just on the sides of the jar. It really looked like rain! (I think next time we will just turn the lid upside down and skip the plate. I was pretty sure that someone was going to knock over my plates, but they made it out in one piece)
It took just a few minutes and the rain started to pour. Jaxon thought it was pretty amazing. He loves to learn about how stuff works and has a particular fascination with weather. Weather Wiz Kids has a lot of fun weather info and experiments for kids. We did some online research and he read to me from his favorite weather book, and I think we both learned a thing or two. 
Dillyn was mostly concerned with eating the ice and whether or not I was going to let her wear her "rain jack" and boots. I did of course. But I didn't get a picture. Pretty soon it was raining pretty good in our little jars. It was hard to get a picture.

Then the skies opened up and the rain came down outside. Keep it coming Lord.
Next time we are going to try the cloud in the jar. Just fascinating I tell ya.